About Soy Australia

The soybean industry is represented by Soy Australia, which was formed with the support of the following organisations:

Membership to Soy Australia is open to all those involved in the soybean value chain.

Growing regions

The Australian soybean industry is a relatively small and complex, but valuable industry. While Australian soybean industry is small by global standards, it plays an important role in many farming systems across Australia and is increasingly providing a higher value crop option for growers.

The industry's complexity arises from both its geographical spread and its diversity of market uses. Soy Australia has been formed to drive the growth and development of the soybean industry nationally.

Our vision

The mission of Soy Australia is to:

Soy Australia will drive a national vision for the Australian soybean industry that will see it grow in strength and value. The collaborative effort will develop strategies and make investments that optimise the Australian soybean value chain with regard to future trends and developments. Soy Australia will work with the industry and other stakeholders to ensure that the industry moves forward successfully and maintains a thriving soybean industry at the local and national levels.

Soy Australia Constitution

Code of Ethics

Soy industry strategy

The Soybean Regional Schedule and Strategy document:

Regional Schedule and Strategy

Soy Australia membership

Soy Australia is continuing to grow as the lead voice and organisation for the Australian soybean industry. To be sure to have your say and involvement in the future directions of our industry, then we invite you to apply for membership using the form below.

Members have direct access to industry representation, knowledge and research and marketing programs sponsored by Soy Australia. You will also receive vital market intelligence through the AOF and Soy Australia monthly crop reports and Soy News, which covers the latest research findings, industry data and information.

Membership is open and welcomed from all sectors of the soybean value chain from breeders to growers to marketers and processors and any interested parties. Growers wishing to keep up to date with events and happenings in the soybean industry, to receive industry newsletters and be kept aware of latest research should join Soy Australia.

Download Membership Application Form

Commercial partnerships

Soy Australia achieves its aims in conjunction with Commercial Partners who agree to specific terms and conditions to become sub-licensees to specific varieties. Soy Australia calls for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from potential commercial partners when new varieties are to be commercialised, and selects partners based on their marketing plans support new varieties, and on their membership status and support of Soy Australia.

Associated documents in relation to commercial partners are:

Soy Australia Commercialisation Process

Terms and Conditions for Seed Production

Terms and Conditions for Commercial Partners

Sub Licensee Agreement – Example Only